Tomáš Zdvořáček
Born: April 8th 1980
Address: Pastviny 94, 613 00 Brno
Phone: 00420 728 813 952
E-mail: tomas@zdvoracek.cz
Czech ― native
English ― B1 lower
2016 ― now
Faculty of Fine Arts VUT Brno
Sculpture Studio 1 I. Tutor: Prof. akad. soch. Michal Gabriel
1997 ― 2001
SPUŠ a VOŠ, Brandlova 32, Hodonín, 695 01
Art processing of ceramics and porcelain
1994 ― 1997
SOU Jilemnického 2, Hodonín, 695 01
Work experience:
2013 ― now
2008 ― 2010
Coach and horses, Portsmouth, UK
Kitchen team leader
2005 ― 2008
Toby Carvery, Portsmouth, UK
Kitchen team leader
2002 ― 2005
Cable TV Dubňany
Video editor